KEN’S Chili Seasoning was created by Reverend Ken, a United Methodist Minister, nearly 40 years ago. He mixed blends of chili spices in his kitchen until he developed a spice that reminded him of the “old man’s” spice shop seasoning that his family had used for years. It was a hit with family and friends! After years of accolades and requests for more, Ken listened to his chili seasoning following and decided to package his flavorful recipe on a larger scale. Since 1984, KEN’S Original Chili Seasoning has been sold at a popular booth at the Kansas State Fair. It is now available in several selected stores and shops around the state.
Through the years, many have won chili cook-offs with Ken’s seasoning and has established many loyal customers across the country. KEN’S Original Chili Seasoning has been passed along from friend to friend, family to family, even generation to generation. Today KEN’S is still a family-run operation with a growing flock of devoted fans.
In 2016 Ken decided to retire from the chili seasoning business. The business is now run by Ken’s granddaughter, Elise, and her family. “Ken’s has always been a part of my family; we hope you make it part of yours.”
Customer Comments:
Enthusiastic customers continually mention the superior taste, praise the absence of salt, and delight in the many ways the seasoning can be used. Fans of KEN’S have also commented on how it “goes so far,” finding it hard to believe that only one tablespoon of either seasoning can deliver such a wonderful flavor.
The first note Ken ever received read, “it makes my chili taste like I always thought it should.” From then on Ken had his slogan for KEN’S Original Chili Seasoning: “Makes your chili taste like you always thought it should.”
A local grocery check-out lady who didn’t know Ken, remarked to him that “until I used that KEN’S stuff there were two things I could never make good: chili and apple pie. Now there’s only apple pie.”